And the Blind Shall See, altered book art by Virginia Beach artist Maggie Kerrigan

Book Used:  Strong’s Concordance of the Bible

This artwork is a wolf in sheep’s clothing.  On the surface, it implies one meaning, but the artistic intent is quite different. The style and the word Faith evoke images of the devoted Christian. The dots in front of the word are Braille for the word “blind.”

I created this in response to the lawsuit of Gavin Grim (recently ruled on by the Supreme Court) over which school restroom this child could use. Gavin is a transgender boy.  No one in the school cared about which restroom he was using.  An adult member of the town, armed with his Bible, declared that it “just wasn’t right” and petitioned the school board over it.

Wrecking a kid’s life in the name of Christianity–what is that?  Blind faith, in my opinion. I welcome comments and reactions to this piece.

9 x 6 x 2 inches

This hand-carved book displays beautifully on a table, shelf or pedestal.