It’s pretty amazing, how the very act of thinking about what we are thankful for can make the stress melt away.  Our worries about having enough change into thoughts of abundance.

What would it mean to you if you could have that feeling become an integral part of your way of looking at life?  If you could see the best of every situation, even bad events, because you are able to view all of your experiences through a lens of gratitude.

Many people try to achieve that through gratitude journals and social media challenges.  Often, the results are short-lived.  How do you focus on gratitude in a way that it becomes an integral part of your psyche?

Here’s a solution, a way to immerse yourself in gratitude with a multi-sensory approach that will help you adopt a long-lasting mindset of thankfulness and appreciation.

The ART of GRATITUDE course is a hybrid of a journaling class and an art class.  In each of the four lessons, you will journal about gratitude from a very specific angle.  After journaling, you’ll complete a painting that relates to the topic and will serve as a visual reminder of the focus of your gratitude.

The exciting part is that you don’t need to know how to paint, or even draw, in order to take this course!  All of the painting projects are designed for non-painters, and you are taken step-by-step through the painting.  If you do have painting experience, then you can use the lessons as a launching point to expand and express yourself further.

In the end your paintings represent your journaled thoughts in a way that is especially meaningful to you.  You can display your paintings for a lasting reminder of the blessings in your life.

The course consists of four 3-hour lessons that you can work through on your own time.  Each lesson is presented with text, photos and video to walk you through each step of how to journal and then paint.  The lessons can be completed in any order, and can be broken up into several shorter sessions, depending on your own schedule.  You also have access to our private Facebook group, where you can ask questions, post comments, and get support and ideas.

For the regular class fee of $99, you receive 12+ hours of instruction, as well as the support and community of our private Facebook group.

But this is the exciting part!  

The first twenty people to sign up will receive a $20 discount on the tuition!

You can sign up now and then work through the class later.  You can casually let family members know what a great gift this course would be for Christmas or Hanukkah.

If you don’t already have art supplies, there is a supply list included, along with a link where you can order everything for the class with one click.  Art supplies make an easy gift idea too, especially when they are just one click away!

I can tell you from personal experience what a difference it makes to write and paint about gratitude.  In the process of creating this course, I have experienced a mind shift of my own.  The small daily annoyances, such as inconsiderate drivers, don’t affect me nearly as much as before.  The bigger problems, like living with two teen kids, are still frustrating, but that frustration doesn’t last as long.  I’m able to approach all kinds of situations, good and bad, with an underlying sense of calm.Click here to sign up for the Art of Gratitude.  I’m looking forward to taking the journey together with you!