In several previous blog posts I have written about the power of writing.  There is quite a bit of scientific evidence that shows why keeping a journal is good for you.  A load of research, though, doesn’t quite make the point as well as hearing someone’s personal story.

Emily with a new (almost) Blank Journal

Meet Emily. She lives in Buffalo, NY, and often visits her cousin here in Virginia Beach.  Over a year ago, she bought two copies of The (almost) Blank Journal.  One was for her daughter, who has always journaled a lot, and the other was for herself, because she thought it might be fun and good for her to start her own journal writing.

She came in to the gallery, specifically on the day that I would be there, to meet me and buy herself a second journal. Emily had an awesome story to tell me.

She had filled her copy of the journal last year, finding great value in the daily writing.  Her powerful insight came, though, when she recently spent some time reading back through it.  During this re-reading, she realized how much the journaling had helped her work through her grief from her husband passing away. She had never kept up consistently with a journal before and was surprised at how the writing had allowed her to unburden herself onto the pages.

After reaping the benefits of journaling, first through the writing itself, and then through the reflection on what was recorded, she wants to continue.

This has made my day–knowing the profound benefit she got from using the journal I created.

Thank you Emily for sharing your story!

And now I want to know from you–what is YOUR story?  Do you keep a journal?  Or a business journal?  How often do you write and what are the benefits you get from it?